Introducing our Qualifying Instructors!

We’re delighted to introduce our 12 Qualifying Instructors from around the world! 

This talented group all came together last week for a live QI training course with the 3 of us (Shawna, Hannah and Rachel) at the Connection Training Centre in Spain.

This course marks the half-way point of their year of CT Instructor training and what a fantastic course it was! Each person is a highly skilled and experienced trainer and it was wonderful to practice and develop advanced training skills with the wide range of rescue horses at the Centre.

The focus of the week moved onto coaching practice – teaching people how to train horses. As you know, here at CT we prioritise positivity and support and our QI’s have this in abundance. It’s incredibly exciting having 12 new up and coming CT instructors bringing joyful and positive teaching to horse owners and trainers around the world and online.

You will see much more from our instructors in coming months (especially if you’re a CT member!), so look out for more videos and information. Since they come from 10 different countries, there might even be one near you…

Sarah Babcock | Virginia, US

Veronika Bonebakkerova | Slovakia

Belinda Daws | Australia

Melissa Deal | North Carolina, US

Suzy Deurinck | Netherlands

Judith Edel | UK

Angelica Hesselius | Sweden

Megan Hines | Ireland

Diane Howard | France

Amanda Jay | New Mexico, US

Gesine Jimenez Martinez | Norway

Kristen Vanderpool | Alberta, Canada

And if you’d like to see more of what we all got up to in Spain, check out this wonderful video Suzy made of the week:

October 2017 Spain: The Connection Training Centre

The Qualifying Instructors of Connection Training in the Centre in Spain.
Honored to be part of this brilliant group of people!!! We had so much fun and are planning to go back soon :-).

Posted by Deurinck – Paardengedrag en welzijn on Sunday, October 15, 2017


Wish this was you? Click here for more information about our Instructor Programme!

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5 thoughts on “Introducing our Qualifying Instructors!”

  1. Nice blog! Great to see it’s such a big group.
    Hopefully they’ll have big teaching-rounds in the future, haha 😉

    Lovely video to see, must have been so much fun there!

  2. An amazing group of people! I so enjoyed meeting each of you and getting to know you better. I look forward to working with all of you in the future and so appreciate your unique set of skills and abilities. Everyone here has a heart for the horse and horses around the world are better off because of each of you. May you each continue to go forth with your positive spirits and light the way for horses and people around the world.

  3. I think what you are all doing is awesome. I wish you all every success in the future. The world is becoming a bigger place for great teaching and training. The more of you there are, the easier it is for owners to access this perfect choice in training and relationship building! xxx

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