At Connection Training, we teach effective, horse-friendly, reward-based training (aka positive reinforcement or clicker training.)

Our Philosophy
We believe that horse training should be soft, horse-friendly and gentle. We believe horses should love their time with humans, enjoy their training and have their voice listened to. We focus on building positive emotions around you and the training, such as relaxation, confidence, clarity, joy and willingness. These emotions create safe, happy horses who are a joy to train, ride and handle.
Our approach is science-based, practical and effective. We can help you actually make real progress with your horse whether it’s problem-solving, gymnastic groundwork or riding.
We also believe learning should be inclusive, fun and supportive for humans, too. We know that you know your horse best, and we want to support you to find the best solutions for you and your horse, in your situation.
Whether you’re brand new to CT or looking for some extra techniques for your training tool-box we’re delighted to have you here.
Want to learn with us?
The CT Club is an online hub where we teach horse owners like you all over the globe how to connect with their horse. CT is science-based but firmly practical – we want to show you how to train your horse to overcome your problems and achieve your goals in a way your horse loves, too.

Who Are We?

Our journey began in the 90s when my mum, Rachel, got me my first pony, Toby. Little did we know, this dream would come with its challenges! But, it started our journey together and, without Toby, we wouldn’t be here now.
Toby had several behavioural issues like separation anxiety, refusal to load, bucking, and a lack of motivation. This led us down a path of learning about equine behaviour, natural horse keeping, nutrition, and various natural horsemanship techniques, which complemented the traditional training and riding I was doing.
As we delved deeper, our fascination grew. Rachel founded the Natural Horse Company, organising events, clinics in everything from barefoot trimming to tai chi riding, and also working as an equine nutritionist. I became an Equine Bodyworker, focusing on the link between physical issues and training, and studying biomechanics and healthy movement.
When we discovered clicker training, it was a game-changer for us. It transformed Toby, making him joyful, motivated, and eager to engage. From that moment, we were hooked.
Our herd expanded, including an ex-racehorse, a mentally and physically broken-down showjumper, an Arab with conformation issues, and a very aggressive kids’ show pony. We used our knowledge of ethology, management, and reward-based training to help these horses thrive. Watching fear turn to trust and anxiety give way to happiness has been (and continues to be) the most rewarding experience.
In 2005, I started helping friends and clients with positive training, and soon I was teaching lessons and clinics full-time in the UK and Europe. Connection Training was launched online in 2010, and it’s been growing ever since.
Sharing our years of experience brings us immense joy, and we love seeing our students and members achieve incredible results with their own horses. The bond that forms between horse and human through this training still amazes me every day.
Now, I live in the South of France with my herd of 4 horses and 3 donkeys, while Rachel is in Southern Spain, where she co-founded a rescue centre and continues her work with horses.
You can learn more about me and my story in this video:
If you would like to get a sense of our approach to horse training you can
See our other press appearances and podcasts here:
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How to Improve ANY Behaviour
with Your Horse
While staying soft, gentle and building your bond with your horse.