How Does

Connection Training Work?

In our library of free videos below, you can see CT in action with a wide range of equines and behaviours πŸ‘‡

BUT to really unlock the potential of CT, it’s essential to understand the core principles behind it. You’ll gain a deeper insight into its effectiveness and learn how to apply it to improve ANY behaviour with your horse.

In our FREE in depth video guide,

We’ll walk you through:

🐴 exactly how CT works and how to use it to improve ANY behavioue

🐴 how to tailor it specifically to YOUR horse’s personality and behaviour

Video Library
Simple Pole Exercise for Your Horse In-hand, Liberty and Ridden

Simple Pole Exercise for Your Horse In-hand, Liberty and Ridden

This simple pole layout is so versatile! You can use it for really simple exercises for horses just getting started ...
Teach Your Horse to Stand Still and Relaxed Once You've Mounted

Teach Your Horse to Stand Still and Relaxed Once You’ve Mounted

I teach two different kinds of standing still: Stand - this is relaxed, at ease. The horse can find their ...
Give Your Horse Choice in Training

Give Your Horse Choice in Training

If you’re anything like me, you want to give your horse choice and for them not to feel compelled to ...
Train Your Horse to Hold Up Their Foot Longer – a Simple and Positive Technique

Train Your Horse to Hold Up Their Foot Longer – a Simple and Positive Technique

If you’re training on your own, this technique is a simple way to help build duration in hooflifting. The basic ...
Practicing Loading with positive reinforcement

Practicing Loading with positive reinforcement

Want to see how I keep my horses being happy loaders and travellers? This video shows you a loading practice ...
5 techniques to build duration in hooflifting positively

5 techniques to build duration in hooflifting positively

View all vlogs here If your horse just lifts their foot for a second, or snatches or stomps it, this ...
Separation Anxiety Training - No more barn sour, buddy sour or herd bound horses

Separation Anxiety Training – No more barn sour, buddy sour or herd bound horses

Whether you're leaving one at home, or taking one out, you want your horses to be calm and relaxed about ...
How to train your horse to pick up hind feet calmly and positively

How to train your horse to pick up hind feet calmly and positively

This is for horses who kick, stamp, or resist picking up the hind feet. It’s also the best way to ...
4 Ways to Train Touching Your Horse's Legs Positively

4 Ways to Train Touching Your Horse’s Legs Positively

Many horses can be reactive, anxious or fidgety about having their legs touched, but it’s a necessity for grooming and ...
Which Saddles do I Use?

Which Saddles do I Use?

Choosing the right saddle for your horse is so important but not always easy! I currently have 4 very different ...
Ridden Aids and Cues with Positive Reinforcement - What Are Your Options?

Ridden Aids and Cues with Positive Reinforcement – What Are Your Options?

HOW do you explain to your horse what you're asking for when you're in the saddle? There are lots of ...
WHICH Treats to use when Clicker Training Your Horse? OPTIONS and WHY

WHICH Treats to use when Clicker Training Your Horse? OPTIONS and WHY

You can choose the value of the food reward to start training your horse. The treat that you use can ...
12 Techniques to Calm Down a Spooking Horse Using Positive Reinforcement

12 Techniques to Calm Down a Spooking Horse Using Positive Reinforcement

This video follows one session with India where she was very reactive and spooky to some noises and movements outside ...
How to Build Your Horse's Topline with Groundwork in 3 Months CASE STUDY and EXERCISES

How to Build Your Horse’s Topline with Groundwork in 3 Months CASE STUDY and EXERCISES

Strengthening your horse's back and core muscles can be simple and fun for both of you. It doesn't have to ...
Postural Feeding Exercises at Halt

Postural Feeding Exercises at Halt

This is a simple feeding technique to help your horse explore postural alignment and exercises at halt. CT Coach Angelica ...

Ready for more?

If you liked these, you’ll love the CT Club. It has hundreds of full-length step-by-step video tutorials, showing all of the training (even the tricky parts). I always show real horses and humans learning the exercises in my videos, so you can see what it looks like in real-life.

Included in the Club is a ton of support from me, Rachel and our Coaches. We run live online monthly events, study groups, private forum, live Q&A’s and more, so you can connect with us, other members and get any help you need when you need it.

Come and join us!

✨Unlock Your FREE Video Training ✨

How to Improve ANY Behaviour
with Your Horse

While staying soft, gentle and building your bond with your horse.

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Great! We are sending you FREE specialised training tips to help positively train your horse to be calm, relaxed, polite and safe.
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Great! We are sending you FREE specialised training tips to train HEALTHY MOVEMENT through Groundwork Techniques.
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