Training Theory and Techniques

Give Your Horse Choice in Training
If you’re anything like me, you want to give your horse choice and for them not to feel compelled to ...

Why Your Horse Saying ‘No’ is a GOOD Thing… And How it Enables You to do MORE Confidently
How can it be a good thing when you ask your horse to do something and they say ‘no’? This ...

Using Start Buttons and Consent Cues in Horse Training
How do horses communicate their preferences or willingness? How do we make sure we're listening and respecting them? Consent comes ...

Horses Saying “Yes” and “No” – How to Read Your Horse’s Emotions
Listening to your horse means being able to read what he's saying through his body language. Horses express fear, joy, ...

Understanding Choice, Communication and Having a Conversation with Your Horse
What does it look like when your horse says, “no”? Do you then stop that activity completely? What does it ...

What is Engagement? Try These Simple Exercises to Understand It.
Healthy movement is key to a sound and happy horse. Engagement is part of healthy movement, necessary for keeping your ...

Horses Choosing to be Tacked Up and Ridden?
This topic is all about horses choosing to be tacked up and ridden - is it possible that they actually ...

P4 Why use STATIONARY targets? Riding, loading, jumping and more…
As you'll know by now if you've watched this series - targeting is a versatile and oh-so-useful training technique. This ...

P3 Why teach your horse to FOLLOW a target?? Lunging, lateral work, stretch down and more…
This targeting video explores FOLLOWING a target - one of the 3 types of nose-targeting exercises I teach and use ...

P2 Why Teach Your Horse to Touch a Target? De-Spooking, Rein-Back, Loading and More…
Targeting is a really versatile training technique that you can use for so many things. In the last video (part ...

P1 What is Targeting? And why is it so USEFUL?
P1 Targeting! I use targeting ALL. THE. TIME. It's one of the most useful behaviours you can train your horse ...

How to De-Spook Your Horse with a Tarp: A Gentle, Positive and Effective Approach
Thanks to evolution, horses are fearful creatures and spooking and anxiety is the most common challenge for horses and their ...

Yoga for Equestrians with 5 Min Pre-Ride Back and Hip Release
If you've ever wondered why everyone seems to be talking about yoga or how it can help your horse training, ...

10 Ways to Connect with Your Horse: Podcast
The quality of the relationship you have with your horse is important to you. I know because I feel the ...

Connect with Your Horse through a Gratitude Groom with Melissa Deal
Ever feel too rushed, stressed or tired for a training session? Everybody does sometimes, but what should you do on those ...