A Precious Delivery At The Connection Training Centre, Spain

What an incredible week at the Connection Training Centre here in Spain!

Monday was the start of the horses’ next phase of training. For Selena it was to be the start of a get fit and supple programme. We’d re-backed her, but we’d noticed that she sometimes moved awkwardly; not lame but not sound either. It seemed to be coinciding with her  showing signs of being in season. We decided to focus only on ground work, walking out in hand up the hills and introducing lateral work and cavaletti to strengthen her quarters.

Wednesday 5th July was to be the second day of the fitness programme. Selena had other ideas…

I couldn’t quite believe my eyes as I went out first thing to put out new hay and poo pick the

The gorgeous stallion. Is he Foaly’s dad, though?

fields. Selena was walking up the field with a newborn foal at foot! It took a few moments to register what had happened, I just stood in amazement.

Rewind to November 2016. When we rescued Selena we were told she was possibly in foal to a skewbald Spanish stallion.  Even though we really wanted a riding mare, there was no way we could leave her on the building site eating meagre rations of straw, where we found her. It was love at first sight. Plus, any foal to that gorgeous stallion would be a bonus. After she arrived, the weeks passed and she showed signs of being in season, so we thought nothing more about a possible pregnancy. So what a delightful surprise for us this week!

But do you think that stallion could be his dad? We’re thinking there must have been a gorgeous Spanish donkey stallion around too!

We need help to name our new baby. We’d love to hear your name suggestions for the little guy. Please put them in the comments section below. No prizes, just the honour of naming a lovely new foal, rescued from a tough life. And, of course, the pleasure of coming to visit him out at our Centre in Spain!


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26 thoughts on “A Precious Delivery At The Connection Training Centre, Spain”

  1. I think a good name for this baby is Trooper as both he and his mother are real Troopers after all that they went through, god bless them.

  2. Hi Everyone, thanks so much for the wonderful suggestions, we’ll be looking through them over the next few days – we’ve had so many!

    This little guy is amazing we are so lucky to have him, Selena is a great Mum, caring and sensitive, but already putting boundaries in for him – his future is so exciting

  3. Oh, how precious!!! I’m thinking since “Selene” as the name of a moon goddess, it could be something along the lines of a “lunar deity” or sun god…. In Greek mythology, Selene is a daughter to Titans (Hyperion and Theia) and sister of sun god Helios. Apollo is another name of a sun god… 🙂

  4. Oh wauw, what a nice surprise! I’m very curious how he’ll grow and to see the first connection-training steps you take with him. I’m terrible with names so I’m gonna pass, haha.

  5. He is so darling- looks like an anteater on stilts “The name Selena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Selena is: Moon goddess.” – … ergo I would name him something that is an off spring of that.

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