Hoof Trimming with a Frightened and Aggressive Rescue Pony

Building trust with horses who have experienced neglect or abuse takes time and dedication. In this video,  you’ll get to know Valiente, a pony rescued in Spain in terrible condition. CT Coach Claire Waldron worked patiently with him to help him overcome his fear and voluntarily participate in having his feet trimmed – it actually became one his favourite behaviours!

You’ll get to see their journey and some of the techniques Claire used in her training, including using protected contact, which is invaluable to keep everyone safe and build trust in situations like these.

ARCH is the charity who rescued Valiente – head to their site to find out more about the fantastic work they do.
You can find out more about Claire at Positive Horse Training Spain, a charity she runs with CT’s Rachel.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this video! If you’re working through a difficult behaviour with your horse or have taken on a rescue, please check out the CT Club. Both of us (Hannah and Rachel) have extensive experience with rescue horses as we have 7 in the UK as well as the ones in Spain. Hannah has also worked with rescue centres for many years (we even give charities free access to the CT Club to support their wonderful work). The CT Club has step-by-step videos shown with rescue horses and horses who have developed fear, resistance and defensiveness in many areas. You’ll also  get support through our fantastic community (many of whom have also overcome issues like these) and be able to chat with us directly in our live Q&A’s. Click here for more info.

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1 thought on “Hoof Trimming with a Frightened and Aggressive Rescue Pony”

  1. The way you got the aggressive pony to place his foot on the block is just amazing. Sometimes when I watch these videos I marvel at how easy you seem to make it and I wonder if I don’t have the touch! It took me about 3 months to get my (adopted) horse to stand with his front hooves on a pedestal!

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