There will be some behaviours that your horse finds more challenging than others. Perhaps this is overcoming fear of the tarp or the fly spray, perhaps it’s finding joy in forwards movement or maybe it’s slowing down and standing quietly.
Whatever it is, the Challenge Sandwich concept will help!
The temptation is often to work longer and harder at the things you’re horse finds hardest. It kind of makes sense that if he needs more work on a certain area, doing more of it will help. Except it doesn’t really work out that way in practice. You can find yourself struggling away at the same old problem without really making any progress at all. Instead, structuring your training sessions using the Challenge Sandwich will help to set your horse up for success, keep his emotions in balance and help you make easier and faster progress.
Want to know how it works? Watch the video to find out:
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Love this concept. It is an excellentreminder not to drill your horse which we pushy goal oriented humans tend to do. 🙂